Sunday, November 21, 2010

Jorts, Jorts, and more Jorts

So it's been ages since I posted on here last but I've been super busy with school. Considering it's summer here exams are finishing up this week and all the coursework students are about to start summer break (aka. holidays) so the campus is becoming pretty quiet.

Although they watch and learn about American culture through television, our style just didn't make it through as Jorts, yes let me repeat Jorts, are in style here. I first saw this jorts phenom on the first really nice day here where it was hot enough everyone was wearing shorts. I passed three normal looking guys all wearing jorts. I couldn't help but notice and do a double, no probably triple take and chuckle a bit. Since I have seen heaps of people wearing jorts and this is normal and accepted. I know hard to believe but it's true.

Other Australian style notes would have to be short shorts for summer. I think that is pretty well known that guys here wear really short and tight fitting shorts. The winter style is pretty similar to Europeans where dark and neutral colors reign supreme. Just as short-tight shorts they wear very, very tight pants. Those that know Kyle Schnurbusch that isn't anything on some of the guys pants here but you get the picture. So go out and buy a pair of skinny black jeans before you jump across the pond.

Well, off to go get me some jorts :)